
A queda do muro de Berlim em oito vídeos

A queda do muro de Berlim em oito vídeos
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De  Euronews
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Oito vídeos a rever no 25o aniversário da queda do muro de Berlim.

1961: construction of the Berlin Wall
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August 19, 1989: The picnic that changed history
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November 1989: Chipping away at the Berlin Wall
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November 9 1989: Police passive as the Berlin Wall begins to tumble
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November 9, 1989: Celebrations as Berlin Wall begins to fall
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November 9, 1989: Families reunited as wall tumbles
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November 9, 1989: Joy as friends and family are reunited
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November 13, 1989: Rostropóvich plays during fall of Berlin Wall
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