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O lado oculto de Sochi

O lado oculto de Sochi
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De  Euronews
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Alguns jornalistas que se encontram a fazer a cobertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno decidiram partilhar no Twitter alguns dos problemas com que depararam em Sochi. Da falta de papel higiénico e de água, passando por sanitas pouco ortodoxas até às rampas de acesso para pessoas com deficiência são muitas as queixas.

Vale a pena espreitar:

Paralympians we made you a ramp to, oh nevermind.

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 5 Février 2014

Ok, doorknob karma. My apologies, Sochi.

— Barry Petchesky (@barryap1) 4 Février 2014

@HarryCNN having no luck in Sochi.

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 4 Février 2014

No flush, must play basketball with used toilet paper.

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 4 Février 2014

We torture your bowels with complex toilets.

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 4 Février 2014

Seeing double in the Gentlemen's Loo at the Olympic Biathlon Centre

— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) January 20, 2014

Fellow journo: Colleague lost hotel room key. Hotel did not have copy. So instead of giving a new key, they removed the whole door.

— SeanFitz_Gerald (@SeanFitz_Gerald) 5 Février 2014

Canada House, in Olympic Park, still under construction, still playing to the idea we all own a cottage somewhere.

— SeanFitz_Gerald (@SeanFitz_Gerald) 4 Février 2014

My hotel has no water. If restored, the front desk says, "do not use on your face because it contains something very dangerous." #Sochi2014

— Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) 4 Février 2014

Water restored, sorta. On the bright side, I now know what very dangerous face water looks like.

— Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) 4 Février 2014

Also on the bright side: I just washed my face with Evian, like I'm a Kardashian or something.

— Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) 4 Février 2014

The reception of our hotel in #Sochi has no floor. But it does have this welcoming picture.

— Kevin Bishop (@bishopk) 4 Février 2014

Bees in your honey, beer colored water, no flush toilets and the buzz abt #Sochi yuck factor today on

— Matt Gutman (@mattgutmanABC) 5 Février 2014

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