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Pérolas da Fox News
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De  Fernando Peneda
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A participação do comentador da Fox News, Steve Emerson num debate televisivo sobre zonas da Europa alegadamente controladas por muçulmanos


A participação do comentador da Fox News, Steve Emerson num debate televisivo sobre zonas da Europa alegadamente controladas por muçulmanos, tornou-se alvo de chacota global nas redes sociais.

Durante um debate moderado por Jeanine Pirro, foram inúmeras as “pérolas” do autodenominado “especialista em terrorismo reconhecido internacionalmente”. Entre as mais finas figuram Birmingham, cidade inglesa “totalmente muçulmana”, e Londres, onde “há zonas da cidade, em que a polícia religiosa muçulmana agride quem não se vestir com o traje religioso muçulmano”.

The Queen is now being forced to wear a hijab by 'Moslems' due to the sharia law enforcement in the UK

— immortal (@omfgitszoya_) January 12, 2015

In birmingham, buildings wear the burqa

— Malcolm Coles (@malcolmcoles) January 11, 2015

#foxnewsfacts Minarets being constructed all along the UK coastline by ISIS.

— Ric Facchin (@ForwardRole_Ric) January 12, 2015

At a height of 152m, Birmingham's main minaret is the tallest in the world

— BBC Free Speech (@BBCFreeSpeech) January 11, 2015

Thanks @FoxNews for reminding us all how graphs work...because 6 million is about 1/3 of 7 million?

— MJG (@MichaelGamache) January 12, 2015

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Mecca Bingo, probable proof of the Islamic domination of Birmingham according to

— Lewis Bush (@LewisKayBush) January 11, 2015

At a height of 152m, Birmingham's main minaret is the tallest in the world

— BBC Free Speech (@BBCFreeSpeech) January 11, 2015

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